Fan Crafts
snake crowley
loki's hands
black asshole
falling out
DIY Christmas Tree Mannequin: Lady of the FirThe base of this creation is a mannequin torso. You can
DIY Crochet Elf Coat Free PatternThis pattern is now available in 3 sizes from Morale Fiber Blog:Sma
sinnaminie:The last 5 minutes of Ep2 of Chernobyl was heart wrenching & inspired these plushies
DIY Harry Potter Potion NecklacesWhat’s in the mini Felix Felicis and Polyjuice potion vials?the Pol
DIY Welcome to the End of Times Good Omens Cross StitchThis is a free pattern with Aziraphale and Cr
DIY Hardware Store Star Trek Enterprise 1701 Tutorial from Instructables.You can make the Star Trek
DIY Doctor Who Question Mark Umbrella Tutorial from Doodlecraft. Make Sylvester McCoy’s questi
DIY Knit Penny’s Hat from The Big Bang Theory Free Pattern from Ravelry User Tommy Smith.A gift for
truebluemeandyou:DIY Cross Stitch Shirt Using Waste CanvasUpdated Link 2019I like finding “new to me
sahmatsui:Check out my new fanpage:Sofi Arts and Crafts
This Christmas EPBOT Threw the Most EPIC Harry Potter PartyJen and John constructed a Diagon Alley B
Wonder Woman Plush Doll //GeekiiPlushies
hufflepuffnproud:What you’ll need:·A coin·Clear glue·A cheesy fanfic extract·A pendant ring (from cr
DIY Even Better Restyled Purse to Hip Bag Tutorial from EPBOT here. I posted her original mod of a p
DIY Woven Leather Chain Bracelet Tutorial from Le Fanciulle here. I posted a similar tutorial from a
It takes shape.
DIY Star Wars Lego Minifigures Wall Art - no tutorial, but self explanatory.This is a BUY or DIY po
DIY Kawaii Free Patterns for BeginnersFor more Kawaii DIYs on truebluemeandyou go here: trueb
Lars of the Stars- 2020(and he glows in the dark too!)
Check out my new brand and fan page! :)Sofi Arts and CraftsEnjoy it!
A pendant of Mike Wazowski (of “Cute-Ma” Kappa) in honor of Monsters U!
I like to think now that Connor is Deviant he realises he can show off more with his coin tricks! (
It’s so dark and cloudy lately, it’s difficult to take a good picture of my recent embro
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