perfection hung muscled gay
perfection hung muscled hunk
perfection hung muscled fuck
hung muscled
Pride of the King of KnightsTook a lot of cues from J.C Leyendecker for the scroll and arch.I also b
fate/zero feels
i’m just gonna be posting these here in batches so here’s inktober days 2-6 from my twittercommissio
★ orga| Saber☆✔ republished w/permission
Fate Heaven Feels Countdown ArtworkDays: 40-31
Fate Heaven Feels Countdown ArtworkDays: 20-11 Days
Fate Heaven Feel Countdown ArtworkDay 70-61
Fate Heaven Feels Countdown artworkDays: 50- 41 days
Fate Heaven Feels Countdown ArtworkDay 60-51
Fate Heaven Feel Countdown ArtworksDays: 80-71
shinichameleon:By とちこ (Source)
Found another simple shot from Sakuracon thanks to a friend, and all I can think about is how good w
Fate Heaven Feel Artwork CountdownDays: 90-81
“today i will cause chaos on purpose”Art blog: questionartboxKo-Fi | Patreon
Gin and Kiritsugu passing by each other on the streets! Silently judging the other, still
Found another simple shot from Sakuracon thanks to a friend, and all I can think about is how good w
Archer’s swords, Kanshou and Bakuya
Another Iskander photo! This was a pretty awesome and unexpected photo that I got back really quickl
The Clarent - Blood of Arthur3d modeled and printed by me, finished with automotive paints. Added a
time’s up.happy 10 years fate/zero anime, thanks for making me love fate
“today i will cause chaos on purpose”Art blog: questionartboxKo-Fi | Patreon
consider this an act of mercyArt blog: questionartboxKo-Fi | Patreon
(team) lancer sketchesArt blog: questionartboxKo-Fi | Patreon
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