Filipino Studyblr
062219hello, i did a real time journal with me video with this page! i hope you can check it out aga
062219hello, i did a real time journal with me video with this page! i hope you can check it out aga
061519i uploaded to my studytube the process behind this spread. i hope you can check it out here:
072319finally, she uploaded her bujo lol! came back to say if you want to see more of this journal i
♡ Sunday currently ~ January 17,2016 ♡While everyone is out at the streets partying to celebrat
060919i decided not to decorate this page with washi tape or stickers, and so far i love the style i
planner spread for January 25 - January 29, 2016
072319finally, she uploaded her bujo lol! came back to say if you want to see more of this journal i
1-19-18 Made the boldest decision in my life so far. I’ve decided to transfer to another schoo
5-5-18 Hello Tumblr! Update: I started my summer classes two weeks ago at a new uni. As some of you
3-22-18 Mint green spread. More bujo? Dentistry study notes? Book captures? Let me know
3-5-18 Love warm yellow & sharpie banana highlighters! This was last year’s August spr
062219hello, i did a real time journal with me video with this page! i hope you can check it out aga
072319finally, she uploaded her bujo lol! came back to say if you want to see more of this journal i
3-4-18 Craving for warm tones lately. I’m planning on purchasing more wood stuff like crates a
3-1-18Sorry for not posting for a while, I’ve been dealing with an art/blog/instagram crisis l
3-22-18 Orange for autumn Pharmacology, you were a pain in my heart. Glad that it was over, Sad tha
061519i uploaded to my studytube the process behind this spread. i hope you can check it out here:&n
060919i decided not to decorate this page with washi tape or stickers, and so far i love the style i
4-15-18 Goodmorning! Be as you wish to seem, there’s nothing you can’t do. Just put your
4-14-18 Finally up with a new spread (not finished yet) I’m currently reading on prosthodontic
4-3-18 instagram: @camillebaybay Hello! Still inactive here on tumblr, but my instagram is very up &
3-22-18Thank you 6k followers! Always grateful for all the love and support you gave little space of
3-20-18Hello everyone! I’m on my 3rd month of break and I’m sad that I&rsquo
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