Filipino Studyblr
electric castle
pink patterns
Can’t afford to enroll in a Korean language course? Don’t have time to attend Korean lan
[ monday | 01.01.2018 ]Happy New Year! 2018 has officially started and I’m currently working on my s
My January haul! I was planning to save up for make up but one night, I was so stressed from work an
Who loves post its?! I really like this Sticky notes set from NBS ✨ They’re easy to use i
coffee-themed month ☕️Check out my Highlights in Instagram (@nicsstudiess) just for coffee! ♡
My January haul! I was planning to save up for make up but one night, I was so stressed from work an
Sweet little gift from @thecraftcentral Not only sweet, but sulit (Filipino word for worth it) indee
[ saturday | 11.25.2017 ] I just found out from a post in Tumblr that this book is what Taehyung wa
[ wednesday | 09.20.2017 ]오늘은 5시반쯤에 일어났네. 밤새도록 비가 많이 와서 홍수가 나기도 했다. 비가 오니까 추워서 일어나기 좀 귀찮다. 암튼 내 방은 페
[ thursday | 09.21.2017 ] 어제 듣기 연습하고 싶어서 “도가니"라는 한국 영화를 봤다. 자막 없이 먼저 보고 나중에 자막 읽으
Hello, studyblr community! Hi! My name is Angeli and I’ve been learning Korean on and off
I have recently subscribed to a lot of Korean youtubers and I’ve been watching their video
[ monday | 09.18.2017 ]어제 교회에 갔다 왔다. 아파서 2주동안 볼수 없는 교회 친구들을 어제 다시 봐서 너무 너무 기뻤다. 교회 친구들이랑 좀 더 놀고 싶고 수
Can’t afford to enroll in a Korean language course? Don’t have time to attend Ko
[ monday | 01.01.2018 ] Happy New Year! 2018 has officially started and I’m currently working
8-5-18One thing that dentistry taught me: It’s okay to make mistakes & be less than perfect. I s
8-5-18 One thing that dentistry taught me: It’s okay to make mistakes & be less than p
7-31-17 Pastel blue for the last week of the month. I can’t believe this is happening! My 4 mo
5-5-18Hello Tumblr! Update: I started my summer classes two weeks ago at a new uni. As some of you m
3-22-18Orange for autumnPharmacology, you were a pain in my heart. Glad that it was over, Sad that I
3-22-18Mint green spread.More bujo? Dentistry study notes? Book captures? Let me know
3-5-18Love warm yellow & sharpie banana highlighters! This was last year’s August spread when my
4-15-18Goodmorning! Be as you wish to seem, there’s nothing you can’t do. Just put your mind to it,
4-14-18Finally up with a new spread (not finished yet) I’m currently reading on prosthodontics and i
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