alesha mtg
water pulse
Book of Hours, Use of RomeSiena, ca. 1475; illuminators: Liberale da Verona (miniatures) and Gioacch
Historical Miscellany including Paul the Deacon, Historia romana (Roman History) Italy (Lombardy or
Our *10th Annual Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age* will tak
Prayer BookMilan (?), ca. 1510The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 207The radiant but somewhat
Isidore of SevilleSententiae (Sentences)Spain, 12th c. The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 137
Inhabited initial C from a choir book showing Saint John on PatmosLombardy, ca. 1500; illuminator: M
HoraceEpistolae (Epistles Ars Poetica (Art of Poetry Satires, Odes, Epodes, Carmen seculare (Song of
CiceroEpistolae ad familiares (Letters to Friends)Ferrara, 1468; scribe: Gregorio Martinello (coloph
April Showers Bring May Flowers in Books of Hours!Book of Hours, Use of Rome (Hours of Cornelia Rhò)
Leaf from Petrarch, Africa, Book IXLombardy, ca. 1400 The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E M 48
That’s a wrap on 100 images from Making the Renaissance Manuscript: Discoveries From Philadelphia Li
Illuminated initial showing a Priest Celebrating Mass; border cartouche with deer; border roundel wi
Prayer Book Milan (?), ca. 1510 The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 207
Missal for the Use of Rome Southern Netherlands, possibly Hainault, ca. 1530–50 The Free Library o
Illuminated initial showing a Priest Celebrating Mass; possibly from the Missal of Lucrezia de&rsquo
Album of Engravings and Devotional Texts by Erasmus, Marco Girolamo Vida, and Prudentius Flanders,
Horace Epistolae (Epistles); Ars Poetica (Art of Poetry); Satires, Odes, Epodes, Carmen seculare (So
Inhabited initial C from a choir book showing Saint John on Patmos Lombardy, ca. 1500; illuminator:
Book of Hours, Use of Rome Siena, ca. 1475; illuminators: Liberale da Verona (miniatures) and Gioacc
Historical Miscellany including Paul the Deacon, Historia romana (Roman History) Italy (Lombardy or
April Showers Bring May Flowers in Books of Hours! Book of Hours, Use of Rome (Hours of Cornelia Rh&
Cicero Epistolae ad familiares (Letters to Friends) Ferrara, 1468; scribe: Gregorio Martinello (colo
That’s a wrap on 100 images from Making the Renaissance Manuscript: Discoveries From Philadelp
Prayer Book Milan (?), ca. 1510 The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E 207 The radiant but somewh
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