Geek Crafts
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Captain America: Civil War keychains are now available at:www.charmed.etsy.com#diy #arts #crafts #ar
Captain America: Civil War stitch markers are now available at:www.charmed.etsy.comKEYCHAINS ARE ALS
DIY Hardware Store Star Trek Enterprise 1701 Tutorial from Instructables.You can make the Star Trek
deweydecimalchickens:Another dice bag I went and did. DK on 3.5mm double-pointed needles. Started as
DIY Doctor Who Question Mark Umbrella Tutorial from Doodlecraft. Make Sylvester McCoy’s questi
DIY Knit Penny’s Hat from The Big Bang Theory Free Pattern from Ravelry User Tommy Smith.A gift for
Wonder Woman Plush Doll //GeekiiPlushies
Crocheted AT-AT Walker. Spotted at Craftzine here. From Flickr user, mjade19. We have a giant plas
Buy or DIY: Knit Power Cord Necklace from KnitKnit on Etsy. DIY: Nguyen Le finally added a pay pat
Printer Cable Bracelets from the Etsy store of TheLittlestBigSpoon. First seen at MAKE by Andrew Sal
DIY Rubik’s Cube Dessert or Appetizer Tutorial from Clones N Clowns here. This is for Hannah w
How to Solve a Rubik’s CubeHave you ever wondered how people solve a Rubik’s Cube in under 2 minutes
DIY Even Better Restyled Purse to Hip Bag Tutorial from EPBOT here. I posted her original mod of a p
Free Crochet Pattern: Porg by The Geeky Hooker
DIY Star Wars Lego Minifigures Wall Art - no tutorial, but self explanatory.This is a BUY or DIY po
DIY Kawaii Free Patterns for BeginnersFor more Kawaii DIYs on truebluemeandyou go here: trueb
DIY Crochet Bofur Earflap Hat Tutorial and Free Pattern from Smree. First seen at one of my favorite
Shop: www.etsy.com/shop/aliciawatkins Pattern: www.etsy.com/listing/119030611/cross-
(Yes, I know mad cow is a prion disease and can’t *really* be washed off the hands. It was a c
Completed: www.etsy.com/listing/196658890/hatters-gonna-hat-mini-cross-stitch Pattern set: h
Staph infection. The real microbe looks like a bunch of grapes according to internet sources, but I
Did you know there hasn’t been a case of S.A.R.S. since 2004? I had no idea.
DIY Cheap and Easy Big Bang Theory’s Rubik’s Cube Tissue Box Tutorial from Melissa Ting.
DIY Easy Mini Death Star Disco Ball Tutorial from Our Nerd Home here. Really easy DIY that uses a st
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