Greek Translations
rookie hazing
perennial zine
wool fashion
Pepeus RanaPepe the Frog(Fons Imaginis.)
(Fons Imaginis.)
ionicempire:“And when they came to the deep-soiled land of Troy they stepped forth upon the beach, o
earlhamclassics:Shots fired from the Greek class: greek is the best!! :)A return volley in Latin: t
Αἰσχρόν τοι δῆρόν τε μένειν κενεόν τε νεέσθαι.Turpe est et mansisse diu vacuumque redire.It is a sha
Xenus / ΞήνουςXenu(Fons Imaginis.)
(Fons Imaginis.)
Hoc dolendum est, quod verbum male fictum est. Verbum esse atychophobia debet.It’s a shame th
iguanamouth:monsterlets:but now i’m just picturing a spider hopping along on one legOptime! Itaque&h
Ἀετὸν κορώνη ἐρεσχελεῖ.Aquilam cornix lacessit.The crow is taunting the eagle.(From Bestiaria Latina
ciceronian:The whiteboard in the Classics Library is an… interesting place.Hahahae, sed quis est Λάτ
(Fons Imaginis.)
(Fons Imaginis.)
interretialia:Si Septem Contra Thebas manni fuissentNonne Amphiaraus Ilia Inania habuisset?If the Se
Αἴολος ἀνὴρ εἰς βόθρον ἐμπεσεῖται.Vir subdolus in foveam incidet.The sly man will fall into the pitf
andreasdadler:Inventio diei: signum Fauni (Pan apud Graecos appellatur) capram futuentis quod Hercul
(Fons Imaginis.)
Polygeminus / ΠολυγέμινοςTribble(Fons Imaginis.)
sootonthecarpet:“Aléxandros ho Mégas”Optime! Iaponice et Palaeograece et Latine:アレクサンドロスVSゴジラἈλέξανδ
lexiconlatinum:Īcōn emoji stercusculī subrīdentis | Fōns - Ūsus situsstercusculum, stercusculī - (n.
Αὐτὸς ἔφα.Ipse dixit.He himself said it.(From Bestiaria Latina Blog.)
o-eheu:Slowpoke - Slowbro - SlowkingGeneric Epithet: Bradyxenistes“βραδύς, βραδεῖα, βραδύ ” - slow,
o-eheu:Voltorb - ElectrodeGeneric Epithet: Ceraunosphaera (“thunderbolt-ball”)“κεραυνός,κεραυνοῦ ” –
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