Koban’s Chat
avarise:Radiant, CH3
retrorecap:Feminism in 80s cartoons! (Or, humanism, or equalism, or whatever term you like — They al
PoggioBracciolini – Scientist of the DayPoggio Bracciolini, an Italian Renaissance humanist, was bor
My first Bioluminescence painting, from 2015. Wishing you hope for a bright new year! The light of l
Of course, books of magic developed a certain…personality, derived from all that power in their page
My online solo show with @abendgallery opened last Wednesday afternoon. It seems many people were so
Bioluminescence : AltruismOil, 16 x 12 inchesSeven person, bird themed show opening Thursday at @reh
Lo rebloggo così lo possono leggere tutti.Tranne i ciechi.
Some detail images of OverviewOil, 24 x 24 inchesThe Overview Effect is a cognitive shift in awarene
To claim your life would have no meaning if it weren’t for God is to say your own existence, a
A few detail shots of Oasis so you can see the strokes.“From that distance, my thumb fit over
OasisOil, 24 x 18 inchesA new painting from a study I posted earlier this year, now available on IX!
My Online Solo Show with @abendgallery is now live!Overview, Oil, 24 x 24 inchesThe Overview Effect
Fusion Lighting the StarsOil, 18 x 24 inchesFor the upcoming ‘Midnight Garden’ show, cur
An older piece in the stardust series - Oil, 20 x 24 in“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our
Alexander von Humboldt, Three of the nine american diaries, 1799-1804. Sketch of the Orinoco region.
Fathom - from 2016Oil, 20 x 24 inchesThe vast depth of space and the multitude of stars, worlds, and
inexistique:Pier Paolo Pasolini, Uccellacci e uccellini [The Hawks and the Sparrows] (1966)Bof! Bof!
“This culture loves stories where we make one narrative carry the weight of the entire culture
Feynman the Bongo Player. #physicstshirt #sciencetshirt #feynman #tshirt Science, Humanism and Femin
Bioluminescence : CuriosityOil, 16 x 12 inchesOne of the pieces that sold in my group show, Taking F
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