Hypnotic Screen
torri pines
hypnosisondisplay:Here is a screenshot of Hailey in a deep hypnotic sleep while the pocket watch sti
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Screen of Drea hypnotized to act like a chicken during her first hypnosis session.
“just watch the screen…that’s all you need to do…!”
yeslooking at the screeneverything makes so muchsense nowyour hair Upin the Bunwhere it belongsand y
entranced, she pedaled, her eyes glued to the Woman on the screen in front of her…
how did this picture get on your phone?and why can’t you stoplooking at it?
just watch the screen lost in its depthsnothing else is importantas the swirl on your he
“just watch the screen…that’s all you need to do…!”
well, something on her phone has really got her attention…
staring intently at the screenlegs idly swaying back and forthin timewith the swirlon the scree
her eyes intent on the screenthe Bun swirled and roseand her mind swirled and sankBun is Up, Mind is
looking at tumblr…?the Bun approves…!
watching the screen…feeling that familiar feeling in your hairon your headthat tingle&nbs
Somehow she’s got the idea that the Bun grows more each time she watches the Program&helli
you see…?the longer your Bun is Upand the more you watch the screenthe more thoroughly yo
My fav drawing of Crystal so far, also animated version by Pompom from hypnohub, she makes the hotte
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