Indie Bookstores
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harpercollins: American indie bookstores every book lover must visit, via BuzzFeed.
Saturday, 4/27, marks the fifth annual Independent Bookstore Day! More than 550 indie bookstores acr
Tomorrow is Indie Bookstore Day! Buy (lots of) !
May the Force be with you, Vancouver!
Indie Bookstore Day is Saturday, April 29! Eighteen Twin Cities stores are participating in the Boo
Saturday, 4/27, marks the fifth annual Independent Bookstore Day! More than 550 indie bookstores acr
Tomorrow is Indie Bookstore Day! Buy (lots of) !
Flowers, chocolate, perfume, wine … and books! Happy Mother’s Day, Vancouver!
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, Vancouver!
For the science fiction fan!
Light reading, anyone?
My Independent Bookstore Day Crawl HaulI bought at least one thing from each bookstore. Which is gre
Last time I did the Chicago Independent Bookstore Day crawl was in 2019. It was snowing—damp,
A new stack of staff picks!
Otto the Octopus wishes everyone a great Labour Day long weekend! Here’s what he&rsquo
See any new releases you like?
Our personal list of 2020’s best-selling fiction (available online, of course). How many h
Happy Friday, Vancouver! Here are a few new releases you might have missed during social isolation!
Happy Friday, Vancouver! Here are a few new releases you might have missed during social isolation!
New bargain books, anyone?
Easter is around the corner! We have tons of great gifts for your little one!
We’re open for limited browsing! And yes, we’re still taking online orders and shipping,
Independent Bookstore Day is Saturday! Who’s psyched? I’m going to be doing the Chicago
Easter is around the corner! We have tons of great gifts for your little one!
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