kristina chii
sanki bir halkin tumblr
olivier boonjing
emmanuel marre
iniquity-fr: iniquity-fr:let’s see if maybe third time’s the charm……..? sp
iniquity-fr:i got carried away with a coli-break doodle and now a dragon that is not even grown up y
iniquity-fr: super stoked aberrant kraken won but that means my other entry, y’know, didn&rsqu
iniquity-fr: finished the other wavecrest entry, i think this is like my third time trying to enter
iniquity-fr:painting of my beloved Rat
iniquity-fr:haven’t drawn revenant on their own without the other coli team guys before so i d
iniquity-fr: planning some nice makeovers for some old boys to bring some new life to ‘em
iniquity-fr: in other news i went ahead and finished this boy today
iniquity-fr: iniquity-fr:let’s see if maybe third time’s the charm……..? sp
iniquity-fr: iniquity-fr:fresh new post to get this circulating again / to advertise the forum threa
iniquity-fr: this is the final alloy hatch that’s gonna come outta this pair ‘cause
iniquity-fr:iniquity-fr:these kids have been sitting in my den forever waiting for adopt art that is
iniquity-fr: iniquity-fr:these kids have been sitting in my den forever waiting for adopt art that i
iniquity-fr: annnnd both sets for the pair are done :^)vermillion/spring-leaf xxy + slime/sludge/gho
iniquity-fr:i got carried away with a coli-break doodle and now a dragon that is not even grown up y
iniquity-fr:painting of my beloved Rat
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