david j
related representation
Frank Miller’s Holy Terror, 2011.A comic victimized by the very fraudulent outrage that would define
Islamism and Nazism have a historical connection that isn’t often acknowledged.
Henri-Frédéric Schopin (1804 - 1880)Le Paradis de Mahomet
Islam, the way out of darkness to the light
Let me say this loud and clear. There is a world of difference between terrorist acts and the Islami
Islam, the way out of darkness to the light
There are so many wrong things on this toy, first the arms of Tony Christ should go on the arms of t
and most of the religious leaders are living like kings.
So less religion means more good people? how can it be possible if Atheists and creationists are goo
So, even when the % of atheists in USA is around 5% looks like having a religion is the tendency to
No offense, but it’s true, it’s a mental illness.
Carolyn Porco and education.
religion, that sweet lie.
in the beginning man created god.
Finally I found a nice feature for Snapchat
Please comment who deserve this:)
So, when a religious person answer everything with a religious related answer and doesn’t even
That moment in your life when god decide to follow you even when you don’t follow it back.
Who will win of this two fantasy characters?Comment “Geralt” if you think Jesus will win
Critical thinking cat…
True ;)
True history.BTW now you see what is my Avatar about.
a lot of times better than humans.
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