Italian Heroes
Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)second half of
David (Study for a Painting)Guercino (Italian; 1591–1666)ca. 1636Pen and brown ink The British Museu
The Triumph of DavidLorenzo Lippi (Italian; 1606–1665)Oil on canvasDorotheum, Vienna, Austria
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
Hercules and the HydraGuercino (Italian; 1591–1666)Drawing in red chalkca. 1640s–50sThe British Muse
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
David (Study for a Painting)Guercino (Italian; 1591–1666)ca. 1636Pen and brown ink The British Museu
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
Orpheus and EurydiceAgostino Carracci (Italian; 1557–1602)ca. 1590–95Engraving on ivory laid paperNa
Andrea Appiani, the Elder (Italian; 1754–1817)General Louis-Charles-Antoine Desaix Reading an Order
Cadmus Killing the Dragon by Antonio Tempesta (1606)
Theseus and the Minotaur by Antonio Tempesta (1606)
Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (Italian; 1610–1662)Venus Pouring a Balm on the Wound of AeneasOil on c
wherearchitectureisfun: Through ITALIAN HEROES we present the best creative works from the bests it
Francesco Zugno (Italian; 1709–1787)Armida Crowning the Sleeping Rinaldo with a Garland of FlowersOi
Constellation of ArctophylaxMiniature on vellum by Giovanni VendraminPadua, 1475–80The New York Publ
Matteo Rosselli (Italian; 1578–1650)The Triumph of DavidOil on canvas, 1621Musée du Louvre, Paris; p
Rinaldo and the Mirror-ShieldFrancesco Maffei (Italian; ca. 1605–1660)ca. 1650–55Oil on copper J. Pa
Perseus Armed by Mercury and Minerva (A Young Hero Armed by Bellona and Mercury)Paris Bordone (Itali
Achilles Swears an Oath to Avenge the Dead Patroclus, Killed by HectorBartolomeo Pinelli (Italian; 1
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