iylshowcase:#195/200 - Glashier We’re sharing 2 photos/day from this years’ shortlist, running up to
ptno:iylshowcase:Noir et Blanc | This week’s selection of Flickr submissions..
iylshowcase:#145 Reuben Wu
iylshowcase: On Tumblr - Caroline Ruffault
iylshowcase: #18/20 - FEDERICO ORTEGA SANCHEZ - 2016/17 IYL Showcase FinalistFederico Ortega Sanchez
iylshowcase: This week’s Best of Flickr submissions➢ flickr.com/groups/if-you-leave
iylshowcase: IYL 2017 Favourites - Part II At the beginning of the new year we take time out to look
iylshowcase: IYL 2017 Favourites - Part I At the beginning of the new year we take time out to look
iylshowcase:#20/20 - Zachary Snellenberger - 2017/18 IYL Showcase Finalist. With a focus on landscap
iylshowcase:#19/20 - Terry Hurst - 2017/18 IYL Showcase Finalist: Hurst is an industrial design stud
iylshowcase:# 18/20 - Uros Maroh - 2017/18 IYL Showcase Finalist: @urosmarchis a self taught photogr
iylshowcase: # 17/20 - Tania Franco Klein - 2017/18 Showcase finalist @taniafrancoklein is a Mexican
iylshowcase:#15/20 - Daniel Edwards - 2017/18 Showcase finalist @dannyedwards is from Hull in East Y
iylshowcase:# 16/20 - Natasja Mertens- 2017/18 Showcase finalist Rotterdam based photographer Merten
iylshowcase:# 14 /20 - Matthew Jeon - 2017/18 Showcase finalist @minimalseoul is a visual artist fro
iylshowcase: # 13/20 - Many Wu - 2017/18 IYL Showcase Finalist: @mandywuphoto is a visual artist fro
iylshowcase:# 12/20 - Leonardo Magrello - 2017/18 IYL Showcase Finalist: @leonardomagrelli live and
iylshowcase: # 10/20 - Leon Antonio James - 2017/18 IYL Showcase Finalist: @leon.a.james is a London
iylshowcase:# 9/20 - Kamila K Stanley - 2017/18 IYL Showcase Finalist: @kamilakstanley is a British
iylshowcase:#8/200 - Jasmine Deporta - 2017/18 Showcase finalist Jasmine Deportaborn in Tyrol, curre
iylshowcase:#7/200 - Isa Gelb - 2017/18 Showcase finalist Isa Gelb is a graphic designer and analog
iylshowcase:#6/200 - Iriann Freemantle - 2017/18 Showcase finalist @iriannfreemantle is based in Sou
iylshowcase:# 5/20 - Gustavo Minas - 2017/18 Showcase finalist: @gustavominas • Lives in Brasilia, h
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