Jack Kline
good morning castiel superdad nation
Supernatural vs Ao3 tags Part 15/??
theprincessandthepie:dean & children | 7.10 death’s doorinsp. by this post by @clairenovvak that
For the @destielsecretsanta2020 to my wonderful giftee @casthehopeful I tried to get as much of your
Hell to the effing yeah that was awesome!!! It was well worth the wait; loved it abso - friggin - lu
She pulled this with Claire too only Claire was like “shit, you win”. Dean’s like, it was fair with
my sister and i decided that jack has pet guinea pigs…… and that he named them sam and
a little kid jack. he made the friendship bracelets himself.
The kid didn’t t understand///// Well last time I drew somthing hurts I know.Soooorry So here is som
See, that’s not who I am. That’s not who we are.
To my favorite green-eyed, freckle faced boy: You deserve so much happiness, Cas, your family, and a
Finally got a S15.20 “fix-it” piece done! The true reunion we/Dean and Cas deserved. Whe
archervale:this is so dumb lol Jack goes back to the past by accident and finds his dads, it doesn’t
rivernatural au where jack raises jason blossom from the dead and theyre boyfriends
crushcrucify:euclase:Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).Oml … Ok
“Oh here she comes!” Dean grinned widely when you entered the room where your brothers were sat gigg
deanspurpleflannel:dean spends the next three days crying and both claire and jack have NO IDEA what
Jack learned it from those kids he hangs out with and Sam learned it from Jack and Dean has known no
bealuser:i’m willing this duo to show up in the season finale
seraphlm:JACK KLINE & THE EMPTY | 15×18 Despair
pirate-rea:“I am a Winchester”- Jack Kline -
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