ugh nostalgia
Pic of the Day: #Spike saying “Please stake me” very clearly with his body language here
Pics of the Day: @jamesmarstersof in the venerable starring role of Channel 3 cameraman in House on
ICYMI Catch @ghostoftherobot’s Music from the Pool mini-concert, featuring pool boys @sullivan
Pics of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & #Pride having a good ol’ time filming a funeral&hellip
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof Piccolo promo banner #JamesMarsters #Piccolo #DragonballEvolution
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof getting his rock star on as Declan Horn in The Wedding Band #James
Sharing here as a heads up. Same rules apply per James’ Instagram. James’ one & only
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & @davesnort catching up back in 2017 #JamesMarsters #DavidGre
Pic of the Day: Baby!James at @comic_con 2000 @jamesmarstersof #JamesMarsters #SDCC #ComicCon #OKBu
Pics of the Day:@jamesmarstersof & @lauravandervoort having, what I’m sure is, a very civi
Pics of the Day: @jamesmarstersof getting his croon & smirk on with @ghostoftherobot at the @kni
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof, @anniewersching & Brigid Brannagh behind the scenes of @marvel
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof CHEEKBONES #JamesMarsters #ThatsIt #ThatsThePic #CHEEKBONES #IMean
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof getting his @ghostoftherobot croon on at @dragoncon 2013 #JamesMar
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & @sannyvanheteren behind the scenes of High Plains Invaders #
Pic of the Day: #Spike hanging out in basements again… in @buffytvs #7.8 “Sleeper&rdquo
Pics of the Day: The many faces of @jamesmarstersof Q&A-ing… at @supanovaexpo Melbourne 2
Pics of the Day: That time @jamesmarstersof & @julianmcmahonofficial went head-to-head… v
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & @sullivanmarsters heading to Italy back in 2013 #JamesMarste
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof looking positively angelic as Damian Lake in #Numb3rs #5.15 “
Pic of the Day: #Spike having a long hard think about what he’s done… or, uh, @jamesmar
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & @magdaeh being directed by @ericstoltzofficial behind the sce
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & @rebma_nosneb attending #WhedonCon 2018 #JamesMarsters #Ambe
Pics of the Day: I can no longer look at this scene without hearing *this* in my head… ht
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