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Pics of the Day: If you’re not in my timezone & celebrate: Merry Christmas!! If you don&rs
Pics of the Day: If you’re in my timezone & celebrate: Merry Christmas!! If you’re n
Pic of the Day: I mean… I feel like I should post this one without any context whatsoever &am
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof trying to prove his jawline is *just* as captivating as those cheek
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof getting his smile photo op ready at @wizardworld Sacramento 2014 #
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof getting in some early narration practice… during #Angel #1.3
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof rehearsing for one of his UK tour concerts at the aptly named St Ja
Pics of the Day: @jamesmarstersof at the 2008 @paleycenter @buffytvs reunion #JamesMarsters #Buffyt
Pics of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & his thinky face on the P.S. I Love You red carpet 2007 #Jam
Pic of the Day: Actual baby @jamesmarstersof (& friend*) in his high school yearbook 1978 #Jame
James Marsters News+letter: Holiday Hangout, @thefriendshiponion Podcast, Austria & more! (Link
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & @zsayle having a friendly* chat in the @abreadfactory trailer
My takeaway from James’ Friendship Onion interview… I memed. I’m a memer now. @ja
Pic of the Day: #Spike enjoying the challenge of getting a suntan in #Angel #5.2 “Just Rewards
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof & @markdevineof enjoying the New Orleans cuisine… &
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof doing… uh… this… at 2001 Posting Board Party
Pics of the Day: Just @jamesmarstersof & @thattactorguy having a friendly* chat in @hawaiifive0c
Pics of the Day: @jamesmarstersof making friends & influencing people… while filming @mar
@Regrann from @jamesmarstersof - Holiday group get together at my place next Saturday. Come on over.
James Marsters News+letter!! Sign up for all the latest from & about @jamesmarstersof, delivered
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof making *this* face in @buffytvs #3.8 “Lovers Walk” #Ja
Pic of the Day: Just @jamesmarstersof hanging about all casual like… for @sfxmagazine 2003 #
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof looking adorable af as John in P.S. I Love You 2007 #JamesMarsters
Pic of the Day: @jamesmarstersof says Tank Top Rights… at @calgaryexpo 2012 #JamesMarsters #
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