Jessica Torres
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We’re dancing
Alle Connell and Jessica Torres by Brittany Fowlerfor The Revelist, 2017cutest picture ever
When you’re wondering what bae tastes like.Guys, I know some people will say that Calzona&rsqu
Don’t give up the ship guys! CalZona will still rise. They’ll find their way back. ❤️
They’re so adorable. Aren’t they?
ARIZONA vs PENNY. The face off!
Callie and Arizona at Izzie and Alex’s wedding
Niño DanzanteChilpancingo, GuerreroFoto: Jessica Torres
otps: “Friends are the family we choose.”
First “I love you” ❤️ “They say the bigger your investment, the bigger your return. But you have
10 Favorite | Episodes of The Forgotten007. 1x16 - Designer Jane
Callie to Arizona: “Now picture a baby. Doesn’t it just melt you?”
The best show of LGBT couples
ARIZONA vs PENNY. The face off!
Callie: I have a headache. I need coffee. Arizona: I have a cure for a headache that doesn’t i
Callie and Arizona at Izzie and Alex’s wedding
First “I love you” ❤️ “They say the bigger your investment, the big
Don’t give up the ship guys! CalZona will still rise. They’ll find their way back. ❤️
Callie to Arizona: “Now picture a baby. Doesn’t it just melt you?”
© sailorinthenorthstar’s Tumblr Maybe if Mark Sloan is still alive, Callie and Ar
Metodi di sopravvivenza all'astinenza da #GreysAnatomy… bit.ly/1y1MbEQ #calzona
Niño Danzante Chilpancingo, Guerrero Foto: Jessica Torres
“I love you”
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