When JR was commissioned to design the cover of a Time magazine issue on “Guns in America&rdqu
A select group of Museum Patrons and Members were recently invited to an exclusive after-hours tour
In 2005 JR traveled to Israel and Palestine, where he and his friend Marco were inspired to carry ou
The first of JR’s Chronicles of New York City community murals is now up in Flatbush thanks to our f
We’re excited to announce the launch of a new, limited edition Membership card, curated by Bro
After living in Manhattan for nine years, JR decided to devote his third major mural project to the
Get a first look at JR: Chronicles on October 3, before it opens to the public. Then join JR as he d
Join us for a virtual tour of JR: Chronicles, the first major exhibition in North America of works b
JR community murals continue in Bedford-Stuyvesant Brooklyn with another @insideoutproject action wi
There’s no better way to share your love of art and to support the Brooklyn Museum than wi
JR’s The Chronicles of New York City is a new epic mural of more than one thousand New Yorkers
“I often passed by this piece while en route to several parts of the Museum, and it&rs
In 2013 JR learned that the housing towers in Les Bosquets were going to be demolished, so he revisi
The eyes in this image belong to Mayra, a DACA Dreamer whose family came to the United States from M
In 2008 JR initiated Women Are Heroes after learning about the deaths of three young men in the fave
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