danil shunkov
mike ski
Jupiter’s Equator : Thick white clouds are present in this JunoCam image of Jupiter’s eq
The view from here ️.Dramatic atmospheric features in Jupiter’s northern hemisphere are captur
☁️ Jupiter Storm Tracker ☁️A giant, spiraling storm in Jupiter’s southern hemisphere is captured in
Space out for a moment. Swirling clouds in a Jupiter jet stream are captured in the center of this c
See a mesmerizing, high-altitude Jupiter cloud formation in this new view captured during my latest
Take in the Jovian view. See a tapestry of vivid colors and swirling atmospheric vortices in this cl
Jupiter Red Monet: Citizen scientist David Englund created this avant-garde JunoCam artwork of the G
Changing perspective: Striking atmospheric features in Jupiter’s northern hemisphere are captured in
Spotted: Massive waves in Jupiter’s atmosphere. JunoCam has detected atmospheric wave trains –
A swirling storm somersaults through Jupiter’s South Equatorial Belt in this new natural color view.
See you around! This image of Jupiter’s southern hemisphere was captured on the outbound leg of a cl
World of Swirl: Intricate swirls in Jupiter’s volatile northern hemisphere are captured in this colo
Two massive storms in Jupiter’s turbulent southern hemisphere appear in this new image captured duri
Jupiter - PJ3-114 by Kevin M. Gill JNCE_2016346_03C00114_V02 NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gil
Citizen scientist Rick Lundh created this abstract Jovian artwork using data from the JunoCam imager
Jovian Tempest: This color-enhanced image of a massive, raging storm in Jupiter’s northern hem
95 minutes over Jupiter. See how quickly the viewing geometry changes in a sequence of JunoCam color
Jupiter’s vibrant bands of light belts and dark regions appear primed for their close-up durin
The view from here. This color-enhanced image of Jupiter’s swirling south polar region was cap
Swirling bands of light and dark clouds on Jupiter are seen in this image made by citizen scientists
As NASA’s Juno spacecraft closed in on Jupiter for its Aug. 27, 2016 pass, its view grew s
I’ve got the #Jupiter blues. See Jovian clouds in striking shades of blue in this new color-en
What a stunner! See Jupiter’s southern hemisphere in beautiful detail in this new citizen-scie
I’m being followed by a moon shadow. Jupiter’s moon Amalthea casts a shadow on the gas g
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