Kanji Study
omg asshole
Hey guys! I’ve just listed some N3 kanji worksheets! Includes pages for the readings and meanings, w
benkyogo:Nadine Nihongo Genki 1 and 2 Kanji Wall Chartこんにちは!If you’re studying using the Genki Textb
27//05//17Tried practising kanji from the new book today!!! It is actually aimed at Japanese kids bu
Words with Kanji 月月光(げっこう):moonlight月曜日(げつようび):monday今月(こんげつ):this month満月(まんげつ):full moon名月(めいげつ):h
Words with the kanji 犬愛犬(あいけん):pet dog/ beloved dog番犬(ばんけん):watch dog野犬(やけん):stray dog老犬(ろうけん):old d
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji is N1This has an etymology different from what I had expected. L
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji is N1I know that this is unlisted, but I definitely remember thi
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji are N4 and N5 respectively.This is a pretty low-frequency word.
漢字 (kanji) = 錨かな (kana) = いかりローマ字 (romaji) = ikarimeaning = anchor
It’s all very well and good to reblog kanji sheets and vocab lists - but it’s useless without applic
45 / 100 Kanji Challenge!This week pay careful attention to the stroke order for 何! It’s a little tr
35/100 Kanji Challenge!Vocabulary:January 一月 (いち・がつ) February 二月 (に・がつ) March 三月 (さん・がつ) April 四月
100 Kanji Challenge Masterpost Aimed at beginners (and those wanting to refresh their memories!) Joi
So how’d you get on? Highlight any mistakes and write the corrections next to it. If you haven’t com
2019/01/31I should really not have to look at the date every time I write it.Kanji, grammar and voca
漢字 (kanji) = 兎かな (kana) = うさぎローマ字 (romaji) = usagimeaning = rabbit
slowpokestudies: KANJI STUDY SHEET PRINTABLE I made this one for my own kanji revison but I guess it
Do you want to learn Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji? Download our FREE Japanese E-Books at PuniPuniJa
Let’s study JLPT KANJI ☆ MAN & WOMAN in Japanese男性♂️(dansei - man) 女性♀️(jyosei - wom
Do you know how to say “Ex-wife” “Ex-husband” in Japanese?元妻(moro tsuma) 元夫(moto otto), 元旦那(moto
Learn Japanese vocabulary! How to say King, Queen, Prince & Princess etc.. in Japanese? King i
JLPT Level: N1, and the kanji are N1 and unlisted respectively.Most of the time, this word is writte
JLPT Level: Unlisted, but the kanji are N4 and N3 respectively.While not a super common word, you do
JLPT Level: N1, and the kanji are N3 and N2 respectively.Wow, two words that are on the JLPT in a ro
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