jimmy royce
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Kissa series menu: 珈琲 (coffee)Now that we are in the drink section of the menu, let’s star
Kissa menu series: プリン (pudding)A popular dessert in Japan, プリン or custard pudding is actually a fla
Kissa menu series: ミルクセーキ (milkshake)In Japan, there are two types of milkshake: the American one we
Kissa menu series: クリームソーダ (cream soda)After coffee and tea, my most ordered kissa menu item is the
Kissa menu series: 玉子サンド (egg sandwich)There are two main types: the tamagoyaki type (my favourite,
Kissa menu series: オムライス (omurice)Even though I order tamago sando the most, omurice remains my favo
Kissa menu series: レモンスカッシュ (lemon squash)A surprisingly popular drink in kissaten is the lemon squa
Kissa menu series: 珈琲フロート (coffee float) and ウィンナコーヒー(Wiener coffee)Coffee floats are normally iced
fannyrosie: Kissa menu series: レモンスカッシュ (lemon squash)A surprisingly popular drink in kissaten is t
Kissa menu series: ホットケーキ (hotcakes)Similar to pancakes, hotcakes are fluffier, sweeter and thicker.
Kissa menu series: ピザトースト (pizza toast)This is exactly what it sounds like: tomato sauce, veggies (o
All 12 kissa menu items in one collage For outfit details and information about each item, here are
Kissa menu series: ロイヤルミルクティー (royal milk tea)Royal milk tea is a popular drink in Japanese caf&eacu
pixiv: 七臣ナオミDanbooru: Naomi (sekai no hate no kissaten)
pixiv: 七臣ナオミDanbooru: Naomi (sekai no hate no kissaten)
pixiv: 七臣ナオミDanbooru: Naomi (sekai no hate no kissaten)
animal ears cleavage naomi (sekai no hate no kissaten) tail thighhighs
animal ears naomi (sekai no hate no kissaten) pantyhose tail
freuleinrose: aion 4.0 cosplaycosband: Ichigo KissatenPhoto/Retouch: Pugoffka-sama
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