Kohske Twitter
themed lizards
Benriya (mostly) wishes everyone a happy new year! – Please properly credit Kohske if you post or ed
Kohske sketches a pair of full rim glasses on Theo, though still prefers his usual rimless Swissflex
I’m sure you all knew this post was coming. First off, let us apologise for taking so long to respon
Kohske shares a sketch from around five years ago of Striker-san eating a Strawberry Sundae. &ndash
Benriya (mostly) wishes everyone a happy new year! – Please properly credit Kohske if you pos
I’m sure you all knew this post was coming. First off, let us apologise for taking so long to
Kohske is back to sketching for Twitter after taking a few weeks off to address her continuing medic
Kohske sketches Theo & Nicolas 21 years ago and then cuts directly to Nic’s reaction t
Kohske “fulfills“ a recurring request that the inner cover illustration for volume #3 be
Kohske sketches a pair of full rim glasses on Theo, though still prefers his usual rimless Swissflex
The “Taka Kato of Ergastulum” humbly offers this indispensable lifehack for use during t
Kohske explains that she almost always slides her arms through the wrong holes on cold-shoulder blou
Kohske breaks in some brushes by sharing how Burberry’s trademark style served as inspiration
Kohske spends some time getting reacquainted with her board tablet. – Please properly credit K
Happy Bug Day from Kohske! – Please properly credit Kohske if you post or edit her content wit
Waiter outfits (burlesque-styled) rank #1 on Kohske’s list of uniforms for men she would love
Kohske has posted her sampler for GANGSTA. 53! The Paulklee Guild hits the stage while Nicolas and T
Loretta-chan-san performs a somersault with all of the style. – Please properly credit Kohske
Kohske wishes Doug a (belated) happy birthday and reminisces on how she gradually reduced his initia
Worick, a chronic smoker who self-medicates with nicotine, is not happy with the discontinuation of
Kohske portrays the two widest, unrelenting smiles in the Bunch office to celebrate the release of S
Kohske laments on having never swam in the ocean (due to her skin’s sensitivity to sunlight an
Kohske reminds us that the 8th volume of the GANGSTA. manga is currently on sale, in addition to the
Kohske is often reminded of a songbird’s backside when drawing Hausen’s and Chad’s
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