Labour History
Carpenters Union Labour Day Parade in Anchorage (Alaska, September3rd, 1917).
Workers wiring floats together to make “mine nets” (Britain, WW1).These large mesh wire nets h
Crying and crying and crying while watching this documentary on the IWW, all these old Wobblies remi
“Mush Fakers” and Ginger Beer Makers (1877), from Street Life in London by John Thomson and Ad
Women convicts working on road (Dar es Salaam, Tanganyika, 1909 - 20).
Kasaan (Prince Wales Island, Alaska, c. 1879 - 1930).
Cambrian Woollen Mill in Powys (Wales, early 1900s). One of the few remaining woollen mills in Wale
Coventry (England, 1944).The men are removing the tramlines in Broadgate and Trinity Streetfor salva
Cotton hoers from Memphis, Tennessee are carried by trucks to the Arkansas plantations (1937). The
A labourer hangs on a steel beam while working on the Empire State Building (New York City, 1931).
Soviet employees, quite irritated, on their payday (date unknown).
Rubber-workers making mouthpieces for gas masks during WW1 (Lancashire, England).
Part de Fondateur of the Compagnie Universelle du CanalInterocéanique de Panama (issued November 29t
Propaganda posters from the Chinese Cultural Revolution:Shipyard Industry Workers Learn from Da Qing
Avro Lancaster bombers nearing completion at the A.V. Roe &Company assembly plant at Woodford (G
Winston Churchill gives a speech ina Liverpool warehouse to merchant ships’ crews and dockers,
Poster published by the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in Australia against conscription (191
Dumping potatoes into the grader at the Woodman Potato Company (Caribou, Maine, 1940).
Senator John F. Kennedy is mobbed by well-wishers upon his arrival atLos Angeles International Airpo
African-American men picking cotton in Aiken (South Carolina, c. 1902).
German workersin decontamination clothing destroy toxic bombs at the U.S. ArmyChemical Warfare Servi
Fisher and Woods Brickyard in Little Oakley (Essex, c. 1937):Holly Fisher with his new Austin 10 She
A white man pulls a jinrikisha at the California MidwinterInternational Exposition (1894).The jinrik
Workers at oneof the farms of the Woodman Potato Company, eleven miles north ofCaribou (Maine, 1940)
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