Learning Language
buffy fandom
osaka sougo
Get flirty with today’s #YOYOslang - 放电 (fàng diàn) - literally “release electricity&rdq
language (dialect) moodboard: Moselfränkisch“Ein Reisebuch aus dem Jahre 1840 beschreibt das Moselfr
Character Story:火fire and 火fire makes heat, leading to an inflammation. Study vocab here!Vocabulary
tobiboshi:I’ve been working on this for a while: Kanjiday, a Chrome Extension for kanji memorization
languagessi:Learning a language is not just memorizing vocabulary and grammar structures, but it is
35/100 Kanji Challenge!Vocabulary:January 一月 (いち・がつ) February 二月 (に・がつ) March 三月 (さん・がつ) April 四月
Character Story:In the 水 수 water, one 丶chunk has become frozen and floats away.Study vocab here!Voc
So how’d you get on? Highlight any mistakes and write the corrections next to it. If you haven’t com
greekpod101: Filling in Personal Information in Greek!PS: Learn Greek with the best FREE online reso
WSK | Adverb
coffeeanddonatus:Learning Latin in Armenian (1675).Title page from Joannes Agop’s Grammatica Latina
Other language learning apps: “Here’s how to say hello :)”Memrise: “Here’s how to insult someone’s e
sauerkrauts:My passion is learning new languages, so here are some good sites to help you learn the
everything-withered:Realizing how someone expresses love and learning to speak their language is rea
unentered:omg guys okay so you all know i LOVE learning languages and i just found the best app for
This is a verb wheel, and it is probably the most useful thing in the world.It’s a spinning di
sopheeva:obsessedwithlanguages:shewalksmanytongues:thepolyglotdream:‘Learning Russian has given me a
Can’t afford to enroll in a Korean language course? Don’t have time to attend Korean lan
Stretchy cat here, teaching you a new Spanish word.is.gd/Cat_SpanishLike
WSK | Pronouns
saya1984:Today: I need your help orz. My PhD depends on me being able to conduct this study in a tim
This just arrived in my mailbox today. Some of you may be able to donate, while others might be inte
Chinese language and travel go hand in hand. Show Chinese friends your cosmopolitan view of life wit
awed-frog:Not bad for a bunch of random noises we make with our mouths. Well done, everyone.
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