Lincolnville Cat
stark truths
© paul cupido
gerben grimmius
I think this kitty needs an eye patch
Two-for-One Special Weeden Street
Yesterday’s Pookah look a like’s companion–a romeo look a like? weird!
Pookah photo-bombing a picture I was taking of this smiling turtle planter I bought at a yard sale f
Sun in your eyes?
Another kitty from the same “gang” on MLK Jr.
I think this kitty needs an eye patch
“Yes, hi. I heard you were taking pictures?”
Charlotte Street kitty taking a little bath on the stoop of Art-i-Fact Apparel
showing off how skinny she is. haha
such a pretty dilute calico (distracted by a loud bird in tree)
Okay, now take the picture! Sanford Street
All smiles in my green bed
This one is totally blurry yet I still think it looks good~ Tabby Cat @ Weeden/Bridge St
OH MY GOSH! I JUST WANNA SQUEEZE THOSE CHEEKS! Handsomest Tom Ever, on Charlotte Street I know
“"MOMMMMM Let me in!!” -Romeo
The Feral Orange Kitty Gang on MLK Jr… Cute but ‘fraidy cats! But that&rsqu
Rubio! On Marine Street
This is a newbie to Lincolnville Cats~ Purrrty Long Haired Black Cat on Washington Street
Black Kitty on MLK Jr
Calico on St George, I love this girl!
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