Ljs 48
dai cosplay
floral nursery
LJS 37 - [Ikhtiṣār lil-maqālāt min kitāb Uqlīdis]Euclid! This manuscript is an incomplete abri
nathanielthecurious:upennmanuscripts:upennmanuscripts:Theorica motus… volvelle on Page 7 of LJS 64,
upennmanuscripts:LJS 25 - Liber metaphisice ; Liber ethicorumThis manuscript features Aristotle’s Me
Riding an elephant on fol. 15r of LJS 447, Volumes 20-22 of Masālik al-abṣār fī mamālik al-amṣ
Red penwork initial and bonus manicule from fol. 2v of LJS 194. You’d think an initial like this is
LJS 185 contains the unbound leaves of an Egyptian psalter from the monastery of Saint Anthony on th
brassmanticore:Miniature of St. George on horseback spearing the dragon beneath himFrom LJS 102 (fol
More from LJS 278, this time a selection of animals. The one on the bottom here has antlers of majes
Illustrations of plants from LJS 278, Kitāb-i ḥashāʼish (a translation of De Materia Medica), an
This diagram from LJS 180, Mechanical Diagrams signed L. F. D. 1783, is part of a collection of diag
LJS 388 -[Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-hayʼah]Written possibly in Iran in A.H. 786 (1384 CE), this manuscript
This week, we’re highlighting border decoration!LJS 500, Liber mirabilium, is an alchemical and medi
LJS 189 Zakhīrah-ʹi KhvārazmshāhīThis manuscript is a medical encyclopedia in 9 books, with disc
LJS 35 Manuscript leaves from a canon law textThis manuscript contains 2 leaves used as pastedowns f
LJS 470 Medical and magical compendiumThis manuscript is a collection of medical recipes, folk remed
LJS 475 Andrea Amadio botanical illustrationsThis is a leaf from an illustrated herbal on paper in t
LJS 237 Quinque libri Egesippi nacione Judei de excidio iudeorumThis manuscript is a Latin translati
LJS 472 - [Ḥeshbon mahalkhot ha-kokhavim]This manuscript is a 15th-century copy of the second part
Happy April! Training vines is the Labor of the Month for January, as presented in LJS 449, a 15th c
LJS 177 is a mid-18th-century compilation of records on 2 subjects: printed texts on the reclamation
LJS 278 is an illustrated herbal with detailed descriptions in multiple languages of the physical ap
upennmanuscripts:LJS 451 -[Commentary on the Doctrinale puerorum] This is an anonymous commentary on
LJS 197 -[Funeral chant pictographs]Let’s see something special today! This manuscript feature promp
The foliate borders of LJS 41 – a 15C Italian production of the Book of Esther in Hebrew &ndas
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