Lonely Sadness
serena pokemon
The Mano de Desierto is located in the Atacama desert in Chile, the driest place
“friends from pity”
sorry i haven’t uploaded anything in a while, i’ve been dealing with some things
12.29.16 Dear whomever reads this, Sometimes you can’t always be there for everyone. Somet
So many broken children.
I`m sorry.
sad and lonely dragonone like=one hug one reblog=one friend
nothing,nowhere. - giles corey
“Life is much shorter than I imagined it to be.”-Abraham Cahan
Reblog if you have.
12.18.16 Dear whomever reads this, reminder— It’s okay to be happy. Its okay to be s
No one understands..and I’m tired of explaining..
The Way by Dia Takacsova "So lonely to wander So sad to be alone In the m
5.30.16 dear whomever reads this, its going to be okay. please, reel in a deep breath, take a look a
Sorry for the disappearing act I pulled. It’s been a while. I love you guys, thank you for the
8.26.16 dear whomever reads this, life is hard. shoot, its a pain in the bum. you feel as though no
2.15.17 Dear whomever reads this, It’ll be okay. Just in case you forgot you mattered, I&a
daydreaming ブヿ延
a heart broken slowly is so much worse
by Matt Sundin
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