Mahalo, Mazie!
Mistress can look so satisfied when she is standing over me. I live to amuse, obey, and serve @mistr
Wish I could be Mistress’s permanent sissy, to serve her all day, all week, all year, for all of ete
Words to live by. I live to amuse, obey, and serve @mistressmahalo
Mistress likes to discipline all her sissies at one time and sometimes invites some friends to help.
As Mistress says, practice makes for a bigger hole, and she just likes me blindfolded most of the ti
First some worship time, and a good old fashion flogging, Mistress is too goo to me. I live to amuse
I live to amuse, obey, and serve @mistressmahalo
Now I am in for it, and I fear I will not survive. I live to amuse, obey, and serve @mistressmahalo
Daily teasing from Mistress and then back in my cage, always leaving me frustrated for Mistress. I l
Yes Mistress, I will try harder to put your needs before my own. I live to amuse, obey, and serve @m
Sometimes Mistress is just to good to me, or is she. I live to amuse, obey, and serve @mistressmahal
Just finished my scoop net. Made from hau and ulei. Can’t wait to try it in the kahawai (strea
Its that time of year again…Headed to Moloka'i for the Makahiki…Makaukau, Ae, ‘O
My Lu'au spot…every kanaka should have one!
As we prepare for makahiki and start to have our ceremonies In our sacred areas, including Kaho'olaw
If i had to describe myself in one photo it would be this one… i call it “ Lovin life i
‘O Anakala Clay Bertelmann keia. One of the main leaders in the voyaging community. I love U
Finished my hina'i ( trap)… Ready for Waipio
Nice day to work lo'i. I love when my daddy teaching me the different varieties of kalo
Christmas, Mauna Kea style.
Yes Mistress, I will try harder. I live to amuse, obey, and serve Mistress Mahalo.
Yes you do Mistress Mahalo, and I am glad to be owned by you.I live to amuse, obey, and serve @mistr
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