Male Sculpture
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shinji tanaka
kuroi ie
Statue of a standing male worshipperSumerian (from Eshnunna), c. 2900-2600 B.C.Gypsum alabaster, she
Portrait of Antinous as Dionysius State Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg - Russi
Shepherd, Bertel Thorvaldsen The New Hermitage (room 241)State Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace, S
If you ask someone to name five artists, they will likely name prominent male artists, but how many
I tried to colorize the bust of Antinous and to add some human features to his adorable marble face.
Torso of triton or sea centaur (180-193 AD), Musei Capitolini, Rome - ItalySculpture | Museums
Alabaster statue of a male priest, from the ancient Mesopotamian city of Uruk. Artist unknown; ca. 3
Guglielmo della PortaSpinario (Boy Pulling out a Splinter), copy after a Greek originalHermitage Mus
Humanity against Evil by massimo cuomo on Flickr.L'umanità contro il male.Così ti sterperò coi denti
Male figure of the Nok culture of present-day northern Nigeria. Artist unknown; ca. 195 BCE-205 CE.
Small bronze figurine of a wreathed male figure, possibly the god Apollo. An inscription on the leg
The Stoa of Attalos, Agora of Athens, Greece. These two male statues were excavated in the archaeolo
Marble busts of the ancient philosophers in The Summer Graden, St. Petersburg, Russia1. Aristotle “T
Male figure (wood, plant fiber, and glass beads) from the Niembo chiefdom of the Hemba peoples, pres
kat-howard:sosuperawesome:Book sculpture by Malena ValcarcelI love book art.
Statue of a discobolus throwing the discus2nd cent. A.D.Musei Vaticani, Museo Pio-Clementino (Room o
Statuette (limestone) of a beardless male votary in Greek dress. Artist unknown; late 6th cent. BCE.
Statue of Antinous as Dionysos ( aka The Antinous Braschi), Vatican Museum, Sala Rotonda.This coloss
Ancient Greek limestone statuette of a young male votary holding a pyxis (cylindrical vessel with li
Ancient Greek limestone statuette of a male votary. Artist unknown; 6th cent. BCE. From Cyprus; no
de-stl:Doryphoros, from Pompeiimarble, c. 440 BCEPolykleitosSome interesting snippets about “masculi
Male portrait bust, found in the house of Laberius Gallus. Artist unknown; ca. 260 CE. From Babylo
Peter Greenaway’s The Draughtman’s Contractliving sculpture
“Alongside the Iggy Pop Life Class drawings, I have selected some objects from the Brooklyn Museum’s
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