Mannerist Art
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Portrait of Giulio Clovio, El Greco, ca. 1570
The People’s Census at Bethlehem, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1566
Pièta (Lamentation), Bronzino, ca. 1528-30
Cliff on a SeashoreHendrick Goltzius (Dutch; 1558–1617)ca. 1597–98Woodcut, line block in black on bl
Agnolo Bronzino, Deposition of Christ (detail), 1540-1545
didoofcarthage:Proserpine Changing Aesculapius into an Owl by Enea Vico after Parmigianino Italian (
An Assembly of the Gods, with Jupiter Embracing Minerva, Venus Confronting Diana Observed by Hercule
John the Baptist, Agnolo Bronzino, 1553
Hercules Shooting His Bow by Luca Cambiaso Italian, 1544-1550grey-brown ink on brown paperMuseo del
Jacopo Robusti, called Tintoretto, Daphne chased by Apollo and Transformed into a Laurel tree, after
Orazio Samacchini (Italian; 1532–1577)Mercury Ordering Aeneas to Abandon Dido (detail)second half of
A Winged Genius by Antonio Maria Zanetti I, after Parmigianino Italian, 1722chiaroscuro woodcut prin
The Four Elements by a follower of Bartholomeus Sprangeroil on panelprivate collection
Self-Portrait with a Glass of Wine, Hans von Aachen (1552-1615)
The Judgement of ParisHans von Aachen (German; 1552–1615)1590Oil on copperBirmingham Museum of Art,
Agnolo Bronzino, Descent of Christ Into Limbo (detail), 1552
Portrait of a ManFrancesco Salviati (Italian; 1510–1563)ca. 1544–48Oil on panelJ. Paul Getty Museum,
Mountainous Landscape in Bohemia with a View of Prague Pieter Stevens (Flemish; ca. 1567–after 1624)
De opstanding = The ResurrectionLucas van Leyden (Flemish; ca. 1494–1533)ca. 1529–33Black chalk and
Conversion of St. Paul on the Road to Damascus, Hans Speckaert, between 1570 and 1577
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