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“Mike has crafted an in-depth, soulful compass guidebook that informs the reader not merely ab
Q: What does it say about us that we’re so intrigued by repeated information (like choruses an
Thanks to @brooklynwriters and @threesbrewing for my first performance without a guitar. Special nod
While advising a @clivedavisinst class about song form, I told them form is an ally, and that it&rsq
When the completists hit my Bandcamp page. So gratifying. www.instagram.com/mikeerrico/p/CX
My first-ever book reading. Just me and the friggin’ book. Wow. Let’s do it: Tuesday, De
Master mixologist/author Lindsay Merbaum has created a custom cocktail based on her reading of &
What can I possibly say? Unbelievable gift, thank you so so much. It’s going on the tree this
Know it by its habitat: “Music, Lyrics, and Life” at Studio 4, @clivedavisinst Cr: @jim
❤️ to @madisonemikolove (co-writer, @selenagomez @katyperry @ladygaga @avamax and many others) for t
Italy ❤️ “Music, Lyrics, and Life” | available everywhere books are sold, including your
It’s not often Chuck D retweets my work. I’m glad this is what he chose. . . #publicene
My friend @jonathabrooke was so helpful at a critical point in the making of this book. Such a badas
PSA from world-renowned soprano @larowley1 who makes an appearance in “Music, Lyrics, and Life
Hardest working man in podcasts: Fun talk with The Musician’s Venture: musicians-v
I’ll be live and taking phone calls on “All of It with Alison Stewart” (@a
My latest, for @americansongwriter: While researching my book, “Music, Lyrics, and Life,&a
Thursday, March 3rd, at noon ET, I’ll be live and taking phone calls on “All of
New audio: You get one “fancy first book festival” in life, which means you also
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