Military Gear
BREATHING BASEMENTMe in one of my gasmaks in the basement of an old house trying to find a gearfrien
Reporting in and showing off his gear for his man back home.
Does anyone else would like something to drink?
In uniform or in his workout gear he loves reporting in and flexing for his Owner.
Geared up and ready to fly anywhere the Sgt wants.
Geared up and ready to fly.
Geared and ready for the Sgt’s orders.
ME | BoydudeNor. army camo uniformpants, fox racing hoodie,DVS skate shoes, and aaluminum baseball b
Ordered to hit the gym in full gear he didn’t question it. He geared up and hit the sqaut
Richard Miles ArchaeologistONE DAY, ONE IMAGEBronze helmet found in Olympia. Much of the military ge
Geared up for his run or getting into uniform a good Soldier always checks in and lets his man back
policediver: Scuba Gear by America’s Navy on Flickr. Gearing out is always better with a fello
Geared up and ready to march.
Geared up and working hard for the Unit.
When you don’t have your gear but need to workout.
Letting the Sgt know they’re geared up, ready and most importain of all, together.
He was ready. With each piece of gear his fellow Soldier had helped him into he’d felt himself
Geared up for a mission, working hard at cleaning the barracks or at home relaxing it’s ne
They may not be able to play but they can still gear up and cheer on the Team because wining a game,
We never have to go into battle alone. @elenadeluca and @thesnowmercy are all geared up in #leather
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