Mogai Terms
janine verneau
vintage sportswear
draxygender:gendermareep (or mareepgender, up to personal preference really)a gender requested by an
xefinboy(/guy/man): a gender that is xenine-in-nature, feminine-in-nature, and male; being a xenine-
potionaesic: a (xeno)gender related to potion aesthetics; a potion aesthetigenderbased on the sevent
original | simplifiedcavehangic: a gender that hangs upside-down from the ceiling of a cave, similar
cauldrend: a gender that holds other genders inside itself in a way similar to a cauldron. the other
original | icon-friendlygenderpuppet: a gender that is being controlled by an outside force, causing
lexeprofanelexeassic | lexebitchiclexedamnic | lexefuckiclexehellic | lexeshiticlexeprofane: when on
sweateraesic: a (xeno)gender related to sweater aesthetics; a sweater aesthetigenderbased on the thi
lexechaosic: when one’s gender is the word ‘chaos’. their gender may or may not actually be chaotic
fryhthrillic: a gender related to the feeling of excitement that can accompany scary experiences. it
tasquique | tasquemanagiquetasquique: a gender related to cats, computers, and performing tasks. it
leafloter: a gender related to fallen autumn leaves floating gently on the surface of waterbased on
halloranoir: a gender related to the use of the colors orange and black during halloween. it may be
frostumnal: a gender related to frost-covered fallen leaves, cold morning fog, and weather growing c
xefingender | xemingender | xeningenderxefingender: an umbrella term for all genders that are both x
desertcoric/desertwavic/cactuscoric: a (xeno)gender related to desertcore/desertwave/cactuscoreneede
original | without lumpsmisshapumgender: a gender related to misshapen pumpkinsbased on the fourth&n
jevilique: a gender related to chaos, jesters, and the joker card. it may also be related to impriso
gendereerie: a gender that scares the user. it may be frightening, sinister, strange, creepy, etc. a
petricinnlearomic: a gender related to the smells of petrichor, cinnamon, and fallen leaves, either
chocovericchocoveriboy | chocoverimascchocoverigirl | chocoverifemchocoverienby | chocoverineuchocov
blacatfortunic: a gender related to superstitions (or other beliefs) that consider black cats to be
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