Mushroom Photography
sophie hansson
Bleeding bonnetcap - Mycena haematopus. Quite a common little mushroom which exudes a dark red liqui
Phallus impudicus - the stinkhorn. The stinky, grey spore-mass - the gleba - attracts flies which wi
Wooly Milkcap:There are several species of milkcap with a shaggy, wooly cap edge. This one is pretty
Mycena inclinata can be distinguished from other clustered bonnet-caps on dead wood by its yellowish
Fungus Amongus
jareckiworld:Zeger Reyers & Lee Ranaldo - Mushroom Boxes (dedicated to John Cage) [2012]
These are Lactarius detrrimus - an orange milk cap that exudes carrot-orange milk from its gills.The
Stacked ConksPrints
Trumpets Print Shop
Hypomyces lateritius is a fungus that parasitizes milkcaps - altering their form and texture, replac
Thelephora penicillata - an unusual, tassely fungus found fighting for space with the moss on soggy
Honey Mushrooms
Yet another UFO (Unidentified Fungal Object) seen buzzing the local woodlands. Possibly Mycena vitil
Oyster Mushrooms
アミスギタケ - Lentinus arcularius. A small, elegant polypore of rotting deciduous wood. It has a fuzzy ca
Rotten Log CornucopiaJust a neat little clustering of Hypholoma fasculare - Sulphur Tuft and Lycoper
This is Stereum subtomentosum - the yellowing curtain crust. The green colouration in the center of
Little Orange Mushroom #FencepostOfTheWeek
Oudemansiella australis - a beautiful, white mushroom photographed in New Zealand - reminiscent of t
the reason i made this blog was to spread posstivity and share with other people the things i love!!
This is Suillus grevillei - the larch bolette. It always grows near larches. In Argyll it is often b
More jelly rot fungus (Phlebia tremellosa) photos, this time showing some interesting concentric ban
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