ooblets spoilers
squidwards back
fake spinoff
love toes
feet mode
#dietzel one from today on Marcel! Thank you very much mate! Done in #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin
Dragon I did in 2020 on Yvi! Thank you! Done in #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin #traditionaltattoober
Peony and Foo Dog for Yvi! Thank you!! Done in Berlin @stayfreetattooberlin #traditional #tattoo #
Spiderweb I did last year, Done in #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin #tattooberlin #berlintattoo #trept
Sailor Jerry’s pirate from yesterday! Thanks man! Done in #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin #trad
Katana from today for @jonathan_wiegers thank you for the trust! Done in #berlin at @stayfreetattoob
Available to tattoo In #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin #tattoo #treptow #treptowerpark #neuköll
Cheetah for @lifeisbetterwitharascal Thank you!! Done in #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin #traditiona
Another one for @thearchiesanders leg sleeve! Thank you for the trust mate Done in #berlin @stayfree
Last session on @drbaker1987 chest! Thanks for the commitment man! Done in #berlin @stayfreetattoobe
Little sailor man from yesterday! Thank you @barefoot_travelling In #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin
Tattoo I did last week in #madrid @venenotattoo #traditional #tattoo #tattooberlin #berlintattoo #m
Some progress on Santiago’s japanese sleeve! You can find me in #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin
Added some japanese backround to a tattoo Toralph got 30 years ago in Berlin. Done in #berlin @stayf
Done today on the great @amazeen Thank you buddy! Done in #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin #tradition
Two from today for Adam! Thank you very much! Done in #berlin @stayfreetattooberlin #traditional #t
Finished this one while you were sleeping all designs are available to tattoo, hit me up if you want
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