brewster acnh
heavenlyeros: i’ve been awake for over 24 hours and i’m not exactly sure what life is fo
heavenlyeros: here’s some brainstorming for bel-eriand’s giveaway prize, elwing abou
waywardmirkwoodknight: “Would you believe me if I said this was for my sister?”
russandolly: "And after Celegorm Curufin spoke, more softly but with no less power, conjuring
talcaluin: artanisnerwen asked me to do baby!Galadriel with Finrod, and since I couldn’t (afte
ohmaglor: After Morgoth’s fall the last two Silmarils were recovered from his Crown. By this t
russandolly: "And after Celegorm Curufin spoke, more softly but with no less power, conjuring
waywardmirkwoodknight: Finwë The little hair clip he wears with the three diamonds in it was th
heavenlyeros: here’s a WIP of Feanor I started a couple weeks ago. I ain’t gonna finish
f-ennekins: *smashes down door* TALK CURUFIN TO ME So yeah, I’ve been going through a severe C
russandolly: Here’s a playlist for unrepentant Fëanorians. &n
f-ennekins: Poetic Translation of the Oath of the Fëanorians: Redux! I didn’t want to do
heavenlyeros: [deep artist’s statement] practicality and physics don’t apply to Noldori
waywardmirkwoodknight: “Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold. But you will
bel-eriand: Team Fëanorians for The Silmarillion Read-Along: Finwë x x
elfself: ☙Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire❧~Catherine of Sienna Pho
elfself: Massive Bingo-post! Against all odds, against the Valar’s burning hate and against Mo
elfself: elfself: Fuck the Valar~ photographer: bittersuites Like a true noldo, I’ll end my
fuckyeahlotrelves:I finally finished my Noldor sigil!!! And I have to say I’m quite pleased wi
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