sissy 24 7
fem 24 7
in femme
sissy is always in heels
outing your sissy
All geared up for new job!#newjob #naturalbridge #stateparks #virginiastateparks #dcr #departmentofc
#TBT ⠀At the beginning of 2020, I had been self-employed for two years. As much as I loved making ar
Where have I been this week? Lake Anna State Park with the rest of the DCR VSP Natural Resource Mana
More squishy, damp, hairy mammals. (Some wetter than others.) #mammalsketch #artistgrowth #notabird
Sketchbook photo #study of a #whitetaileddeer from a few days back. Drawing mammals is an interestin
Anyone who’s seen my workspace in real life knows it’s covered in “mot
Sketches of trail work from this past week at Green Pastures, a park newly under the Virginia State
I LOVE MOUNTAINS!!! So much so I sometimes go into them and don’t come out for awhile! The
Q. Where have I been this week? A. Chainsaw training at Hungry Mother State Park! I learned how to f
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