oak23:Gratitude - Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (2019)
leadles:oak23:Gratitude - Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (2019)Holy shit this may actually work
oak23:So a comparison of the posing ability of my two Designer Hades dolls. The one on the left is m
oak23:This was fucking adorable
oak23:in this world it’s groove or be grooved
oak23:Progress pics of what I did to my Hades’ weird boot legs. I figured bulking up the calves was
oak23:Gratitude - Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (2019)
broccoli-goblin:oak23:Gratitude - Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (2019)A gentle genius
unofficial-horse-extract:oak23:dollsahoy:I wonder how “its his property!!!” up there reconciles with
oak23:Marie Kondo: Organize the World: Design Your Life to Spark Joy | SXSW 2017
oak23:Been looking for the right doll to wear this dress….www.instagram.com/p/CGcmmDxpRNH/?i
oak23:So National Coming Out day was like, whenever but time is an illusion in 2020. And I have been
oak23:Trying to capture the colour shift paint on my custom Action Man/Mego doll has been very hard
oak23:My Boboli doll on a Hasbro Snow White body with Obitsu hands and Kurhn feet lol.www.in
oak23:So my Petworks Usaggie fits Lottie clothes well so that’s a thing. I wished more modern play l
oak23:Sometimes you just need a rabbit doll to deal with bad mental healthwww.instagram.com/
oak23:I’ve had this Boboli doll head for awhile now but did nothing with it cuz it’s rock solid and
oak23:I made a resin cast of my Wataru doll and carved away at the face cuz why not I guess lol.#res
oak23:So one of my favourite Licca chan collaborations is when Licca chan collaborated with Ariana G
oak23:My @_strawberryplanet_ dolls all customised by me.#repaint #strawberryplanetdoll #bobolidoll #
oak23:I’m waiting until Melbourne can shop again in person to buy Rainbow High’s clothes for Licca G
oak23:I know other people enjoy cramming as much detail into their doll faces as they possibly can b
hivesofbees:oak23:these two have the same energy…my energy
lillivati: oak23: Gratitude - Tidying Up With Marie Kondo (2019) I know people make a lot of fun of
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