Muscle furry
operation varsity
Muscle anthro
Sandro Botticelli, Ritratto ideale di una giovane donna#sandrobotticelli #simonettavespucci #ritratt
Botticelli, Nascita di Venere#botticelli #nascitadivenere #artdetails #detailsofpaintings #italianar
For most people, classical portraits of duchesses and marquises are different versions of the same p
Sandro Botticelli, Ritratto ideale di una giovane donna #sandrobotticelli #simonettavespucci #ritrat
Botticelli, Nascita di Venere #botticelli #nascitadivenere #artdetails #detailsofpaintings #italiana
Our Old Master & British Drawings sale ✏️️ on January 24 contains 131 lots by major artists
Leonardo da Vinci, Salvator Mundi #leonardodavinci #salvatormundi #artdetails #detailofpainting #det
Our Old Master & British Drawings sale ✏️️ on January 24 contains 131 lots by major artists
theladyintweed: TheLadyInTweed / OldMasterArt
A really old small painting I started back in college in Georgia. It’s a study of a large
Agnolo Bronzino, Costanza da Sommaia#agnolobronzino #costanzadasommaia #artdetails #portrait #portra
William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Il rimorso di Oreste#williamadolphebouguereau #oreste #detailsofpainting
Agostino Arrivabene . Progress . oil in wood 2017
Agnolo Bronzino, Costanza da Sommaia #agnolobronzino #costanzadasommaia #artdetails #portrait #portr
William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Il rimorso di Oreste #williamadolphebouguereau #oreste #detailsofpaintin
There was something about the person in the last painting that I liked so I wanted to paint a full p
For me a painting is a portal into myself, a way to see and feel something in myself I haven&rsq
Our Old Masters sale features this beautiful drawing by Thomas Gainsborough, Dancers in a Wood ✏️ #C
Our Old Masters Evening Sale, part of Classic Week, features this sketch by Goya titled A Woman and
Our Old Masters sale features this beautiful drawing by Thomas Gainsborough, Dancers in a Wood ✏️ #C
Our Old Masters Evening Sale, part of Classic Week, features this sketch by Goya titled A Woman and
Portrait Of A Sculptor (Redraw) My take on ArtStation jam, Old Masters Redraw. I chose Andrea Del Sa
Worked a little more on this old portrait study from a painting by Pontormo. it’s been so
Preview of “wolf moon” oil on canvas headed to the @ars_memoria gallery &ldq
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