Ontario Insect
tayama katai
butterfly sanctuary
Dunning’s Miner Bee - Andrena dunningiWith a few days of sunshine and gentle winds, i
Bicolored Striped-Sweat Bee - Agapostemon virescensMost Bees are associated with colors like yellow
Winter Firefly - Ellychnia corruscaLet’s have one more set of pictures from the Muskoka visit
Gold-Marked Thread-Waisted Wasp - Eremnophila aureonotataHow fleeting this insect is: 2 pictures in
Cluster Fly - Pollenia spp.When I first uploaded this drab looking specie of Fly to the blog last ye
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug - Halyomorpha halysSo I’m working at my desk, doing research for an
Short-Winged Meadow Katydid - Conocephalus brevipennisWith my field guides and my main literature re
Racket-Tailed Emerald - Dorocordulia liberaAs promised, another beautiful insect from the Muskoka co
Common Snipefly - Rhagio mystaceusI’ve just returned from a cottage trip up in Muskoka with ma
Golden Dung Fly - Scathophaga stercorariaThe more Flies I find while out looking for insects, t
Lucia Azure Butterfly - Celastrina luciaHere’s a fun-looking specimen, and a more glamoro
Midges - Family: Chironomidae | Species unknownAfter last week’s video post showcasing these i
Varied Carpet Beetle - Anthrenus verbasciI was looking through the insect orders and families t
Black Dancer Caddisfly - Mystacides sepulchralisThe year 2021 was a great year for finding and obser
Two-Spotted Grass Bug - Stenotus binotatusA green area filled with green grass, green leaves, and a
Dog-Day Cicada - Neotibicen canicularisWell, I hinted at this in a very important earlier post
Soft Brown Scale Insect - Coccus hesperidumBuilding off of last week, it seems there’s a
Meadow Spittlebug Nymph - Philaenus spumariusSpit! Has someone passed by these plants and purpo
Northern Paper Wasp - Polistes fuscatusIt’s getting warmer and warmer with each new day in Tor
Signal Fly - Rivellia spp.The process continues to add more insect families to the blog, so today th
Locust Sawfly - Nematus tibialisWhile researching more into this curious specie of insect, I primari
Blue Blowfly - Calliphora vicinaToronto went and had an early day of spring this past weekend with 1
Eastern Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenesThe days are getting warmer and sunnier in Toronto whic
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