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carlo facchinetti
nostalgah: pethal: bosquhe:p e t h a l New awards: Gossip Girl | Music Notes | Butterfly | Powerful
ophcelia:yanisian:fearhs:pethal:resveur:coffeee-and-vogue:arunnai:familur:merkurhy:m e r k u r h y /
imbueh: pethal: rehckless: exhaels: exhubrant: e x h u b r a n t ; checking out blogs that follow !
pethal:luxuvr:L U X U V Rp e t h a l
glossomly: vanilitea: pethal: glossomly: caffeines: cerejeiraz: + APPLY: INTERNATIONAL AWARDS / ANI
lushlity: pethal: fauhne: pethal: coastiah: q’d undefined FAUHNE p e t h a l Lush
pethal: desiering: ad astra per aspera send me a :) for a screenie + solo to 33K+ dashes!
phersian: pethal: aurorant: send me a “:)” for a screenie+solo to 32k+ dashes! phersian | queens
phersian: pethal: vividhor: encantodoceano: Encantodoceano APPLY: My Faves 1.0! , March B
nostalgah: pethal: fovity: Fashion | Indie | Boho p e t h a l The Safari Awards | Lush Bubble Bar
nostalgah: pethal: merloht: phersian: fenhdi: goldoux: Have courage and be kind xx fenh
pumahs: chalmomile: xteenage: pixiegold: pethal: unaccxptable: She was a little all over the plac
fheel: lushwater: glossomly: pethal: theglossiernerd: Photo credit hintsofgray Follow The Glossier N
aye-sha: goldoux: chlassy: imperfehct: pallacium: eccellent: sihlvers: pethal: redivide: themonarchs
pahlist: pethal: glossomly: plhuto: p l h u t o APPLY: INTERNATIONAL AWARDS p e t h a l p a h l i s
The first three characters revealed in my webcomic Grim ResonanceRead it here!-Twitter // Artstation
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