Big bulge beard man
I tried water skiing once, but I believe I’ve always looked best on the boat. Please join my c
Mr. Pilates working on the Cadillac, proving that continued commitment to fitness as you age keeps y
Ready for Halloween #halloweencostume #aspirationallifestyle #pilateseveryday #glitter #whosinmycape
Midweek crawl doing Matwork with a pal #Cher #pilateseveryday #greggallman #fuego #contrology
Who wants to come back from vacation? No one! Kidding, kind of. We are back at it and ready to show
Learn how to use your APPARATUS Monday 10am. Everyone welcome #pilatesforall #useyourequipment #pila
I don’t know about resolutions, but all I want to do right now is move my body and dream of wa
Super busy week? Yeah, me too. #pilateseveryday #buns #biscuits #eyesontheprize #comeseeaboutme (at
He was really bend-y. Mr. Pilates demonstrates the Roll Up. #matpilates #contrology #pilateseveryday
Will Pilates make you more flexible? Sure. We won’t be doing this stretch today, or any day, b
Mr. Pilates showing off his physique at different ages, in his undies, in the great outdoors. ✔️✔️✔️
See you by the pool. #toohot #summer #bathingbeauty #swimcap #swandive #pilateseveryday www
I’m taking the day off tomorrow to go visit this guy. Of course, he’s in college now and
Who wants to come back from vacation? No one! Kidding, kind of. We are back at it and ready to show
Looking toward the weekend, biscuits ready. #pilateseveryday #bunz #getoutside #biscuits #moveyourbo
Good morning #cher #ificouldturnbacktime #moodymonday #backatit #pilateseveryday www.instag
Farewell to Vacationland. #backtobusiness #melonhead #beergoggles #americasdairyland #pilateseveryda
Good news: you don’t have to choose. Get your Mat on Saturday 9am, then glamour lounge your we
New start / back in action / keeping all of the colors with me /moving forward. Taking a break is gr
Start off your week light on your feet. Every Monday at 10am we work on the foundations of Pilates t
Mat work is the foundation of Pilates. It’s challenging, entirely portable, an elegant choreog
All shapes and sizes welcome. #plantlife #pilates #pilateseveryday #nature #allshapesandsizes #stand
I don’t know about resolutions, but all I want to do right now is move my body and dream of wa
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