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Ein Käfig ging einen Vogel suchen - A cage went in search of a bird - Franz Kafka Photo: #prickelpit
Out of the Blue Photo: #prickelpitty #urbanexploration #urbex #lostplaces #abandonedplaces #urbanar
“Il y a dans l'acte de l'amour une grande ressemblance avec la torture, ou avec une opération
Eros in the Barracks Found in former #Soviet #barracks in #Brandenburg, apparently also a #streetart
Good Afternoon #Berlin - a little closeup of my post this morning #layers #History #Undercover - #ur
Apocalypse in #berlin #johannisthal Wall: ?? Photo: #prickelpitty #urbanexploration #urbex #lostpla
Ein Käfig ging einen Vogel suchen 2 - A cage went in search of a bird 2 - Franz Kafka Soviet Prison
#Layers Good Moorrrnninnggg #Berlin - As you surely know #history is not only a matter of time passi
Headless into the Weekend Photo: #prickelpitty #urbanexploration #urbex #lostplaces #abandonedplaces
Ein Käfig ging einen Vogel suchen 3 - A cage went in search of a bird 3 - Franz Kafka In Isolationsh
Good Moorrnninngg #Berlin So strange & epic - the curtain suggests that there is still some kin
Gooooddd Moooorrrnning Beeerrrrlllinn - grey sky, rainy, wet, a bit snowy - but we don’t care,
Happy Weekend Found in one of the rooms of the former Nazi Army Clothing Agency North of Berlin Art
Don’t forget to visit the Bizarre Life-Exhibition at @taschen bookstore #Berlin with origi
The View Models: @skara.apis as #Queen, #Empress & #Mistress / @prickelpitty as #slave #serv
Wanna meet us & watch our #bdsm show for #insomniaberlin on #venus2017? - O yes, you do, tru
#Phoenix From The Ashes - Fly Again Good Moorrnninng #Berlin #HowLongIsNow sweethearts, nothing last
Good Morninngg #Berlin get out of your bettgestell - bed .. And then: KEEP ON MOVING & #DAN
Good Morrrnninnggg #Berlin - get out of your bettgestell - bed .. And then: KEEP ON MOVING &
Encounter inside the Chemical Plant Just meet the tanks while having your toxic encounter with one o
#Toxic #Apocalypse Good Moorrnninng Berlliiinnnn #HowLongIsNow , sweethearts, nothing lasts forever
Once I entered the room, the animal on the wall raised its tired voice & said to me: &ld
Tongue of Desire Is this desire, enough enough to lift us higher, to lift above ? / Is this desire,
It happened that a fire broke out backstage in a theater. The clown came out to inform the public. T
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