Pulp Novels
quilt makers
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Virgil Finlay (1914-1971), ‘Cobwebs’, “Fantastic Novels”, Vol. 2, #5, 1949So
Virgil Finlay (1914-1971), “Fantastic Novels”, Vol. 2, #5, 1949Source
“Dark Magic” by Michael Norday, Vixen Press, 1956 (Artist not attributed)
Virgil Finlay (1914-1971), “Fantastic Novels”, Vol. 3, #1, 1949Source
Virgil Finlay (1914-1971), “Fantastic Novels”, Vol. 1, #6, 1948Source
secretlesbians: Lesbian Pulp Novels with Happy Endings, Part OnePulp novels were a lifeline for many
Pulp detective novels… great stuff!
Virgil Finlay (1914-1971), “Fantastic Novels”, Vol. 4, #2, 1950Source
Virgil Finlay (1914-1971), ‘Dwellers in the Mirage’, “Fantastic Novels”, Vol
“Smashing Novels Magazine” July 1936
Lawrence Sterne Stevens (1886-1960), ‘Drink We Deep’, “Fantastic Novels”, Vol. 4, #5, 19
mysharona1987:Inappropriate pulp covers for classic novels.from twitter.com/PulpLibrarian
Western Novels and Short Stories June 1948
PULP TODAY 10: Ed Noon and Dead GameToday, it’s back to basics and back to Dad: DEAD GAME,
magpie-tongue: vintagelesbian: I have a bit of a collection of Pulp Fiction novels, with two lesbi
I have a bit of a collection of Pulp Fiction novels, with two lesbian ones. This is the first one I&
PULP TODAY 60:William Eastlake’s dreamlike World War Two classic, about modern war crashing in
PULP TODAY 64:To celebrate the premiere of STRANGE NEW WORLDS and commemorate the passing of origina
PULP TODAY 65:Anyone remember THE FELONY SQUAD? Has Michael Avallone’s well-regarded original
Something cool to notice about this Bama cover: the gun he has is not a ray gun or phaser or anythin
Lesbian Pulp Novels with Happy Endings, Part TwoIt’s a myth that all lesbian pulp novels e
Lesbian Pulp Novels with Happy Endings, Part OnePulp novels were a lifeline for many gay and bisexua
Samson Pollen Renegade #31: Shoot Out in Segovia cover (1985)
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