man nipples
midnight city
Pair of Apostles in Dispute, Luca Signorelli, between 1477 and 1482
St. Thomas Aquinas, Carlo Crivelli (ca. 1435-1495)
Madonna and Child with Angels, Giovanni dal Ponte (Giovanni di Marco), ca. 1410-19
Dormition of the Virgin, Fra Angelico, 1431-32
Portrait of Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg, Bohemian/Italian (formerly attributed to Pisanello), 14
Architectural Veduta, attributed to Francesco di Giorgio Martini, ca. 1490-1500
St. Thomas Inspired by the Dove of the Holy Ghost, Il Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni), 1423
Virgin Mary, Master of the Bambino Vispo (Gherardo Starnina?), ca.1422-23
Madonna and Child, Antonio Vivarini, ca. 1435-45
Portrait of a Man, Pisanello (1395-1455) or his school
St. Nicholas of Bari, Fra Angelico, 1425-30
Flight into Egypt, Fra Angelico, 1451-52
Saints Lawrence, Christopher, Sebastian, and a Bishop Saint, Mariotto di Nardo (fl. 1388-1424)
The Institution of the Eucharist, Ercole de’ Roberti, 1490s
St. Francis and a Bishop Saint, Fra Angelico, late 1420s
Pentecost, Lazzaro Bastiani, between 1484 and 1490
The Nativity, circle of Donatello, ca. 1465
Saint John the Baptist, known as Bacchus, workshop of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Bianca Maria Visconti - Lioness of the SforzaBianca Maria (1425-1468) was the illegitimate daughter
Camilla Rodolfi - Leader of the women of VigevanoIn 1449, the city of Vigevano, Italy, was besieged
Saint George and the Dragon, Paolo Uccello, 1458-60
Bacchanal with a Wine Vat, Andrea Mantegna, ca. 1470s-90s
The Disrobing of Christ, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, ca. 1501
Portrait of Lionello d’Este, Pisanello, 1441
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