trvaeling photographer
rant model
r aotc
When in Brooklyn
Oh yeaa I went to Prideeee
Nyc livin
18 on the 18th in 2018
queergeek: he’s so shy
#DrawingPride Day14- #RainbowCheck this out! I thought it was time the queer geek community had its
18 on the 18th in 2018
Oh yeaa I went to Prideeee
queergeek: gaygeek: Erm… cocktailsboy in Superman pants… Gorgeous! Nice pack btw
Nyc livin
When in Brooklyn
queergeek: (via The Flash | Show Off Your Underwear)
queergeek: via Reblog for iPad
Prepping #QueerGeekPride #EnamelPins! The first 100 got signed and numbered in gold ink! . . #queer
Prepping #QueerGeekPride #EnamelPins! The first 100 got signed and numbered in gold ink! . . #queerg
#DrawingPride for the month of June! Day 25: #Empowered Sally Ride was the first American woman to
They came out super great! #queergeekprideflag #enamelpins #unboxing #rainbow #triangles #pins #prid
#DrawingPride for the month of June! Day 26: #yassss! It’s THE FLAMING GAZE, from the @ge
#DrawingPride for the month of June! Day 26: #yassss! It’s THE FLAMING GAZE, from the @ge
#DrawingPride for the month of June! Day 26: #yassss! It’s THE FLAMING GAZE, from the @ge
#DrawingPride for the month of June! Day 28: #Lipstick I art directed & designed this illus
#DrawingPride for the month of June! Day 28: #Lipstick I art directed & designed this illus
#DrawingPride for June! Day 20: #DIVINE This is Rita. I found her in a thrift shop in the Catskills
Final day for the #QueerGeekPrideFlag Kickstarter! Here is the design for the #enamelpin backing car
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