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missed you
“I love you. I’m blind for you, wild for you. Sick with you. I told you that our fir
He heard bombs exploding like fireworks, and as if in a dream his father’s face flashed be
“She knew that alexander was sitting on the bench by the house slightly behind her, and that h
“How do you manage?“ she asked in a low voice. "How do you manage to carry
“Oh, so the first love part you believe, but the first kiss part you have a problem with? What
Shit I need to remember
Hand Lettering - vol 4 by IanBarnardPersonal hand lettering projects for the month of June 2014
think that fashion and music go hand-in-hand, and they always should. It’s the artist&
Love Quotes, Love Quotes Graphics, Love Sayings, Facebook Quotes (clipped to polyvore.com)
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fireismine:When she was dressed, Missandei brought her a polished silver glass so she could see how
deanswiinchester: “I know she is proud. How not? What is left to her but pride? I know she is
evelynshugo: @fantasysociety game 05 | quotes | the atlas six by @olivieblakewe are empty and tryin
22northumberlandstreet: Wednesday has been cancelled due to a scheduling error.
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