chen yujun
mal dean
You ever just get bored and draw pokémon retypes? … no? ….. YEAH?
128 - BeetaurRhinoceros Beetle Pokemon“The males with giant horns constantly spar for dominance. The
133 - EeveeEvolution Pokemon“It has an unstable genetic makeup, causing it to mutate drastically, di
134 - VaporegonBubble Jet Pokemon“Its sleek form and a pair of dorsal fins allows it to glide throug
131 - LaprasTransport Pokemon“This Pokemon is a protected species due to its rarity and how they are
130 - GalvadosAtrocious Pokemon“Brutal and vicious, so much electrical energy crackles off of its bo
136 - FlaregonFlame Pokemon“Its fur insulates its already intense body heat of 1500 degrees. As its
Bug retypes of the Meowth line
Bug/Ground Retpyes of Sandshrew line
Bug/Ground retypes of the Diglett line
Bug/Dark retypes of the Venonat line
Bug/Ground retypes of the Paras line
Bug/Grass, Bug/Grass, and Bug/Poison retypes of the Oddish line
Bug/Poison retypes of the Zubat line
Bug/Fairy retypes of the Jigglypuff line
Bug/Fire Retypes of Vulpix Line
Fairy/Bug Retypes of Clefairy Line
Bug/Poison Retpyes of Nidoran(M) line
Bug/Poison Retpyes of Nidoran(F) line
Bug/Electric retypes of Pikachu line
typescrambledex: 022 - FirowvilBombardier Pokemon Kinda reminds me of my Fearow retype
176 - TogegohoWarm Pokemon“A black, dense smoldering smog emanates from its body. This warm sm
167 - TubelekBot Pokemon“A long-discarded toy robot that was popular a few decades ago has mys
186 - CoilytoedMetallic Pokemon“It crunches on spare metal parts found in junk yards. Doing so
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