Rosario Legacy
mine cignature
male atoll
rosario gen 1 summary (1/3)so, elena rosario (short-tempered, freegan, loner) meets annalise doss (g
current household i guess??i was playing this household a couple months back and actually having a l
end of date shenanigans
third date, time to exchange promise rings i guess!
just a household of girlbosses no biggie
picnic date!
fiona came down with repugnitis so bonnie used pretty much all of the family savings to get her the
love daybonnie finally mustered up the courage to ask out nani for love day! they had lunch together
meeting the parents!bonnie and nani have been spending a lot of time together lately, and bonnie fin
getting to know naninani didn’t wait long after the fair to invite bonnie out to play some bas
the finchwick fairthe family headed to the finchwick fair hoping to win first place for annalise&rsq
happy birthday fiona!she did not grow out of her permanent frown like i thought she might but she gr
spending the day at mua pel’amelena and annalise spent the morning at mua pel’am, with a
a typical morning in the rosario housebonnie’s usually up the earliest so she can groan at
rosario gen 1 summary (3/3)gameplay life got a lot more interesting once bonnie aged up. she rolled
rosario gen 1 summary (2/3)out pops bonnie rosario! i believe she rolled the independent trait when
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